Now, I thought that through my years in the penpalling and FB world, I've seen it all. From scary FBs, to creepy letters from grandpa old men wanting to marry me. But what I got in a swap from a swap friend of mine, made my eyes go BIG and my jaw DROP!
The FB you see in the left was the one I got in the swap, the FB on the right is made by Sharon. The girl has made a color copy and made a new FB out of Shaz' FB!!! How rude! She even made it into a booklet, covered it in plastic adhesive and stapled the sheets to the right side!
Coinsidenses made it so I actually remember seing the FB on Shaz's blog, and I did find it there when I scrolled down.
Have you ever come across something like this before? Should I or Shaz, or the group the FB was made through contact the girl you think? I don't think it's right to steal someone's art and take the credit for it. She even wrote "Friendship book for + by (her name)"...