Not so much...
We had some thunder storms again last night, kept me awake for an hour or so. =S Blah. Wish for sun and warm summerlike weather. Miss those cousy summer days.
In another week it is time for summer vacation and I am sooo looking forward to some time off. Just for myself, together with Frode. Hope we will have a fantastic time even though both our plans had to be changed.
At first we were supposed to go to
Femund National Park, but then came the year of
True Lemmings which have led to hare plague in the waters and streams. It is unsafe to drink the water so then we decided to have a car trip vacation and camp by streams and lakes by the road, so we could buy food and water along the way.
Now a flood warning has been broadcasted in that area, actually in the whole eastern part of Norway. So our THIRD pland is to stay in the mountain cabin and relax there. Maybe go to
Røros and
Trondheim like last time we were there.
A good vacation I hope for no matter the weather. =)