The FB you see in the left was the one I got in the swap, the FB on the right is made by Sharon. The girl has made a color copy and made a new FB out of Shaz' FB!!! How rude! She even made it into a booklet, covered it in plastic adhesive and stapled the sheets to the right side!

Coinsidenses made it so I actually remember seing the FB on Shaz's blog, and I did find it there when I scrolled down.
Have you ever come across something like this before? Should I or Shaz, or the group the FB was made through contact the girl you think? I don't think it's right to steal someone's art and take the credit for it. She even wrote "Friendship book for + by (her name)"...
Oh how rude that is.
I would write the owner at the group, and tell her about this. Then she can decide what to do about it..
Is it a girl we know, who made this copy fb ??? Can you tell her name ???
Hugs Laila
Like you, I thought I had seen it all !
If I was Shaz I would contact that girl right away! That is so RUDE of her to steal someone's art! I would also let every group owners know who that person is so they could avoid her and report her at bad swapper groups!
It's rude.. I agree with Laura I also should contact the list owner. or Shaz..
He, he, now that is something... :) Even in the world of high quality FBs, some are trying obviously terribly hard to copy someone else`s style, but this girl literally did it! :D I think it is funny, really. Of course, I do not approve what she did, but I can only laugh hard about this. Nothing is too creepy for me, I guess... Not even the "grandpa old men" thing, except for the fact that I prefer "father-like men"... and NO mariage. :D LOL!!! :D Terribly funny! :D But honestly, I do not think that you have to be so shocked. I mean... FBs are not art, they are something made on somebody else`s art. The FB creators print pics with art made by somebdy else (fairies, cute characters etc) and they basically frame them, that is all, that is the whole work. The FB creators do not have copyright for the prints that they use, so... I guess what they do is not so utterly different than what that girl did. The FB creators do a copy; she just did a copy of a copy... I totally agree that it is not a good feeling to see a copy, but... she is not the only one who copies. I see copies daily... maybe not so flagrant, but still copies. :)
Another thing: did you receive the FBs from me, dear Beate? I mailed the enveloppe about 2 weeks ago and now I begin to worry. I will also send you a little present for your birthday, during this week, it is just a little friendship sign, but I hope it will travel safely. :)
That's so weird. I don't think it is fair to make a 100% copy of someone elses work, but so shocking to photocopy it!!!!
At least people will notice that it is a photocopy as it will be 100% flat, not embellished. I wonder if she does it a lot? I have never seen photocopies before.
I just left a group where they had made templates for people to use as FBs - just printouts of the FB picture (Spongebob etc) that you print and write the name on - ugh. Not my cup of tea.
I think that maybe she doesn't know any better but, if she does, someone should be told. I hope it's just that she doesn't know it's wrong.
Hugs, Teresa xx
It is very rude and I think that someone should confront her too. Very creative girl she is (NOT)
Whaaaat!? That's just astonishing! I really thought too that have seen everything, but obiviously not...
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