...last week was.
Thursday I was working the web at the office, when the internet fell down twice, as we were working. Well, the weather was georous, so we all went outside for 10 minutes.:o) Lovely. We also eat lunch in the sun, which I really enjoy. Nothing like working in the shop. LOL!
Friday, the first thing I encounter is a very angry bus driver. We have changed the monthly bus passes to electronic passes, which I can use both on the trains and on the buss. But for some odd reason, mine doesn't work when I leave Oslo, either way... Only going into Oslo.
I have complained like 3 times, nobody finds the fault, and says that the pass is active and good. If any train staff or bus drivers says otherwise, they can't charge me. I have to tell them that the system is still not 100%. I did tell the bus driver that, but he said: NO MONEY! YOU HAVE TO PAY! Wow, was screaming at me really nessesary...
Then I asked if he could look at my card, get the info. He did and the info said that the pass was valid to 12th of July and even the exact time of experation. Still, he said. NO MONEY! YOU MUST PAY! The whole bus was looking at us and I was so embarressed. I paid and we could
finally drive. The bus was already 5 min late...
Then at work the fire alarm suddenly went off
in the middle of the day. We had to leave the building of course. An electrician working in the same building was running around franticly speaking in his cell phone. It was a false alarm, but the fire trucks still came. Two of them. We waited to see some hunky looking
fire fighters with their shirts off in the heat. But there were only badlooking a little older fire fighters. :o( The day wasn't going at all as I wanted it to. LOL!
Later that night we were going to get visitation from Frode's brother. He came around 8 pm, but before he came there was this thunder storm that passed us over. It had the most lightning ever! And they hit so many things. I could see every time the lightning struck something on ground, and when it eventually passed over this house the loud was sooo intence! Flash and rumbling at the same second! The electricity went off of course, so Beate at the shop called me up on the cell: eh, do we have an emergency routine when the power is off?
Not exactly, that only happens around every solar eclipse, so we haven't made any rules on that type of emergecies. I told her to wait it out, don't let any customers in and just listen to the security guards. It's thunder so it will pass by. :o) It did. After 18 min the electicity was back on. I am glad I didn't lose any of my el equipment, but I have heard that Beate lost her computer, and a guy at the office lost his router. The news said that 2000 lightings hit the ground that hour! WOW! I'm glad nobody was killed. People are really stupid when it comes to thunder. :o(
Saturday, we went to a big sport house to buy some dry freezed food for the boy's upcoming trip to the wilderness of Femund. They are three guys going, and they calculated 3 meals a day. That equals 62 bags of food! We did buy them all at once! Felt a little weird walking around the shop with two baskets full of dry food. Looked like we were a little lazy at cooking! ;o) LOL! The boys also bought a new back pack as the old one they used two years ago, was waaaay to big for them. Those back packs were buildt for people over 185cm, these two brothers are 165cm. Not sky high, so you see the problem with huge back packs not hanging were they are supposed to. Very uncomfortable to use when you are walking kilometers after kilometers...
Then we went over to Sweden, to Charlottenberg. It's been years since I was there, and we needed some candy, sodas, sigarettes (not for me), Red Bull extra strong and meat. Lots of meat. ;o) It really is sooo much cheaper in Sweden. Most of Norwegians pass over the boarder to hamster food in their freezers. LOL! Now we have to. ;o)
Back home we saw so many nice cars and figured out it was 4th of July. Then there's a parade in Lillestrøm which we went to see. All sorts of American cars, old as well as new, was parading there. I had my camera on my cell phone so I did take lots of pictures. Here are some of the nicest ones I think. Not that I am a car enthusiast or anything like that. I just like old stuff, things with history. :o) And if they look pretty. :o) Or look gothic ! LOL!

Sunday the boys were so hung over after visiting a pub in our neighbourhood. When they woke up at 2 pm they started putting pieces of the night together. Frode had walked off for some reason, and on the way he just needed to "sit down" a little. He sat allright, then puked like 4 times, then fell asleep in his own puke pile. M-m, lovely sweetheart. ;o) He later woke up, still drunk. He staggered back home and on to the sofa, to discover his t-shirt was missing... Okay... Where did his t-shirt go during the night? We still don't know, but my thought is that he used it to clean off the womit in his face etc, then left it wherever he was at that time. He thought it was on the way back home, but we haven't seen any t-shirt so I think it's in some other road he though was on the way here. Guess his mental map got a little screwed up, after all his alcohol level was sky high. ;o)