We woke up to a bright and sunny day, and decided to go to the lake and have a nice time outdoors in the autumn. The air is so fresh and it was a lovely day to go. Frode wanted to make us a small bonfire and he's working on it as you see.

We got the fire going and started fishing. It's a bit late, but Frode did catch a rainbow trout. Weeee!! We made pancakes which we took with us and ate by the fire, under a big pine.

The colors are really nice in the forest this time a year. One can see how much pine and spruce we got really. Only the leaves are getting yellow.

This is the lake in the sun.

About 30 minutes after we arrived this is the weather that suddenly came over the treetops!! I can't belive how unlucky we were. Under the pine we were shielded from most of it so we sat there drinking coffee and waited it out. But it just kept pouring down. We decided to go fish anyway, they say fishing is good in bad weather, but we didn't actually confirm that myth.
after 2,5 hours of rain the poor pine was soaked and it dripped all over us and our things. It was then we started thinking about heading home.;o) After another hour we walked back to the car. All our things were soaking wet and I felt some areas where the rain had gotten through my clothes. It was really comfortable to get home into a warm apartment and slip into dry clothes.
It was worth it even though it rained.:o)
We were actually thinking about camping out there from Saturday to Sunday, but we stayed home for the night. I am sooooo happy we did because a autumn storm took us by surprice that night and knocked over several trees in this area. It had rained and blown hard the entire night. Frode said the next morning (he was up during the storm) that our tent wouldn't have stayed upright in that wind. That would have sucked big time in that rain!;o)
The place looks beautiful, Beate. We have some similar landscape here, near by my town, where we go when we want to make a picnic, to fish or simply to inhale some fresh air. But it is near by a river, not a lake. :)
That sounds nice.:o) I like being outdoor in the nature. I feel so much better and all the trivell things don't matter no more. If this financial crisis goes wild my plan is to move to a forest and just live in the nature. With a tent, spleepingbags, fishing rods of course.;o)
Yes, I know exactly what you mean, I feel the same. Actually, my dream is to have enough money so I can build my own little house in a forrest, away from the civilisation. :)
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