Frode and I decided to meet up in Oslo when I was done at work. It's been a cloudy day with some rain, but the air is very hot and humid. Like we could expect a thunder storm. After eating some pizza at this restaurant we like, we just walked around talking, and ended up walking to the new opera house by the sea. It's big and very different from any bulding I have ever seen.
Very interesting chapes and angles, and the way up to the roof is like a steep hill without steps. Just white stone tiles/ blocks... The view was good though. =)
Oslo is rather ugly city really, nothing much to see but a very special atmosphere. Here you see people from every corner of the world, with all sorts of believes and lifestyles. Good and bad, side by side.
Some art they've put on outside the train station. I get the one to the left, but the one to the right I can't exactly put into place...
Finally I'm having a week of summer vacation. We are planning on fishing tomorrow, movies next week, and then a road trip to the southern parts. If the weather allow us that is. We've had some rain the past few days. =)
Welcome to my blog. I am a 31 year old woman living in the far north of the world, all the way up in Norway. I love being creative when I have the time, and this blog will be my showroom for my makings. But also there will be nature, traveling and my beautiful Labrador too. Enjoy!