This serie of books from Terry Goodkind is one of the best I have ever read. Since both Frode and I are reading the same serie, we have discused a lot of the events (in our little book group) and have fantasised how we would have made it all into a serie of movies. Which actors and actresses that we would have had, etc. Visiting http://www.terrygoodkind.com/ we discovered that they have made the whole 1st season serie for the telly!!! We downloaded all 17 episodes last night and weatched 1&2. It is so strange to see it in a play.
We are not convinced just yet, as the first book is so full of details that is hard to get into a serie or a film. I think the first book would have been as great as all the three LOTR put togheter. I have no doubt what so ever on that part. As the book is so vast. Anyway, for it to function properly in a serie for those who have not read the book, they need another storyline. I see that part alright. But we miss two things:
1) a story teller because that way you would have gotten so much more info in a productively way, that is left out in the serie as it is today.
2) The map of world! It is so signifficant that I cannot belive that they have left it out! I have memorized the map more or less, but I guess the viewers have no clue where the boundaries are, or where D 'Hara is compared to the Midlands or Heartland.
Seing the characters you have come to know so dearly in your mind being played by someone on the screen is also a bit strange. I love Khalan as I think she is as beautiful as I imagined. I am not yet convinced
about Richard or Zed, but I think they may be right for the parts if they grow into their characters. Guess they are a bit new to them as actors yet.:o)
The director of the Serie is Sam Raimi - the man who directed Spiderman. That is a big pluss.:o)